This is where craft, quality and service come together

“Teamwork is the secret that makes ordinary people achieve extraordinary results”
advies op maat informeren persoonlijke behandelplan advies door arts persoonlijke benadering kalende kruin intake gespecialiseerd eerlijk verhaal

How does this work?

You come to us in Maastricht for a consultation, or provide sufficient information digitally, so that we can give you tailor-made advice without any obligation and free of charge.

Your situation will be analyzed and doctor Kristel van Herwijnen will explain what your options are. Would your hair have any benefit from a hair transplant? Then we look at which method is most suitable for you. Without visible damage to your donor area and maximum results in your desired area.

Perhaps a hair transplant is not an option or will not lead to the desired result. If this is the case, Doctor Kristel van Herwijnen will take the time to explain to you why this is the case, and what might help you.

Anyway: It all starts with a voice that is friendly and full of information.

Unique approach

Customization, teamwork and more than 63 years of combined experience. These are the ingredients that guarantee quality, safety and the guarantee of a natural and visible result.

There is no single technique that gives the best possible result for everyone. We first look at your situation and then determine the best way to help you. This mainly has to do with the diameter of the needle used to harvest the grafts from your donor area, we adjust it to YOUR hair.

If necessary to as small as 0.5 mm diameter, on average 0.65 mm, but certainly never larger than 0.7 mm. Experience shows that anything larger than 0.7 risks unnecessary damage to your donor area and only has the advantage of being easier to perform, making accuracy and experience less important.

What does a treatment day look like?

We welcome you at 7:30, review the entire day with you and start taking pictures and preparing your donor area. In the morning, we are busy harvesting the grafts (don’t worry, you won’t feel anything due to local anesthesia). Then the discussed recipient area is anesthetized and prepared.

After a delicious lunch, the grafts are transferred to their new location and we are finished between 3-6pm. This depends on the size of the treatment. When the treatment is finished, we take the time to go over post-treatment instructions with you and you will be given all the aftercare items.

We are available 24/7. We will keep in regular contact with you by phone and after 10 months we are happy to make an appointment to evaluate the final result together.

Unprecedented fast recovery

nieuwste techniek inhammen voorlok dunner wordend haar veroudering haartransplantatie bij blond haar kale plekken

Day 0
Before treatment

ontvangstgebied roodheid korstjes pijnloze verdoving natuurlijk resultaat haarlijn

Day 0
After preparing receiving area

natuurlijke haarlijn haarlijn reconstructie inhammen terugtrekkende haarlijn

Day 4
Receiving area on day 4 after treatment

natuurlijk resultaat mooie haarlijn natuurlijke haarlijn hoge dichtheid beter dan haarstamceltransplantatie hsi

Day 75
Receiving area 2.5 months after treatment

herstel doorgebied geen zichtbare schade geen zichtbare littekens optimale dichtheid maximaal aantal graast

Day 0
Donor area before start of treatment

donorgebied direct na extractie direct na behandeling snel herstel zichtbaarheid FUE snelle genezing

Day 0
Donor area after harvesting the grafts

herstel donorgebied FUE beter dan haartransplantatie klein naaldje 0.5 mm 0.6 mm

Day 4
Donor area 4 days after treatment

donorgebied na behandeling haarverdichting geen zichtbare schade geen zichtbare littekens snel herstel haargroei mooi resultaat natuurlijk resultaat

Day 75
Donor area 2.5 months after treatment (after shaving)

Our team

Dedicated to inform and guide you from consultation to final inspection. In an environment where you feel safe and at home.
BIG geregistreerd meest ervaren haartransplantatie team van hair and Skin Institute Maastricht
Kristel van Herwijnen beste arts haartransplantatie arts gespecialiseerd littekens brandwondenstichting

Kristel van Herwijnen

Chef de Clinique
Doctor since 2003
Hair transplant doctor since 2004

Stephanie Vink Bumel technician HSI deskundig verpleegkundige gespecialiseerd


Hair transplant technician
Nurse since 2003
Hair transplant technician since 2003

Yvette Verhoeven Keulemans deskundig professioneel medisch geschoold verpleegkundige


Hair transplant technician
Technician hair transplant nurse since 2008
Technician hair transplant since 2011

Nikki Heldens Mestrom deskundig professioneel medisch geschoold doktersassistente technician haartransplantatie specialist


Technician hair transplantation 
Physician assistant since 2014
Technician hair transplant since 2014

Dennis Kleijnen Maastricht HSI Kristel van Herwijnen

Dennis Kleijnen


Julia Kleijnen deskundig professioneel medisch geneeskunde student


Clinic assistant
Medical student since 2023
Clinical assistant since 2024

Already 3.700
0 K

Treatments performed satisfactorily by our team

At least 3.500.000
0 K

Grafts have already passed through our hands


Provided with natural hair growth

0 %

To advise you to your satisfaction