Hair improvement

Hair improvement treatment

Besides taking good care of hair on the outside, it is also possible to improve hair from the inside.

We can achieve this with your body’s own material, namely a high concentrated component from your blood. This allows affected hairs to thicken and return to healthy growth.

Hairs that are permanently gone do not come back, so it is important to start in time.

How does the this treatment work?

Blood sampling: During treatment, a small amount of blood is drawn from the arm, just 15 ml.

Centrifugation: The drawn blood is then placed in a centrifuge, a device that separates the blood into different components based on density. This concentrates the necessary growth factors.

Placing: The concentrated growth factors are placed into the scalp in the affected areas. This is administered at multiple sites to ensure even distribution of the growth factors.


What is the scientific background?

This treatment uses your own growth factors in a high concentration. This contains about 20 of the body’s own growth factors with all kinds of benefits.

This technique is used in various medical fields for purposes such as wound healing, tissue regeneration, rejuvenation and in orthopaedics to stimulate cartilage. In the field of treating thinning hair, several studies report that high concentrations of these growth factors achieves the following effects: renewed hair growth, thickening of pre-existing hair shafts, and a faster transition from telogen to anagen phase. The latter means the transition to the growth phase, the phase when hairs are thickest.

This treatment uses the patient’s own blood, which eliminates the risk of side effects. We deliberately chose a system that does not require the addition of external agents, which also eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction. This system also guarantees a maximum concentration of growth factors, which goes hand in hand with a high success rate of the treatment.

Who is eligible for hair improvement treatment?

Despite being a safe and simple treatment, the expertise of a specialised doctor is important to assess whether the treatment can be useful. In fact, if the indication is done correctly, there is a 93% chance of improvement or at least stabilisation.

The way it is performed and the materials used are essential for the success rate.
In case of some underlying causes of hair loss, this treatment is useless and only leads to disappointment.

So it is important to get an advice from a specialist.

How many treatments are needed?

There are 2 reasons for applying this treatment to the hairy scalp.

The first is to support the scalp with a maximum of growth factors after a hair transplant. In this case, 1 treatment is sufficient.

The most common reason is to improve hair growth. We recommend starting with a series of 5 treatments in the first year, then 2 maintenance treatments per year are sufficient to maintain the result.

We accurately measure the state of your hair during the 1st, 4th and 5th treatments.

What are the costs of a this hair improvement treatment?

Per treatment, the costs are €375. For the series of 5 treatment, we are happy to accommodate you and you will get the 5th treatment from us for free, this means the package costs €1500 for the first year.

What do I need to consider before and after treatment?

For optimal quality, you should stop taking NSAID (anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen, neurofen, naproxen and diclofenac.) Stopping or reducing alcohol and caffeine intake also has a positive impact 24 hours before treatment.

To get a good view from your actual hair and later the achieved result form, we ask you not to use styling products and/or hair fibres on the day of treatment.

Smoking has a negative impact on the quality but also on wound healing. For optimal results, we advise you to stop as long as possible before, during and after treatment.

After treatment, do not wash your scalp the same day.