Frequently asked questions

Questions about the technology

1What can I expect from a consultation?

This is a free and no-obligation consultation in which your request for help is discussed in detail. At the end, you will know what the possibilities are through the personal advice given by doctor Kristel van Herwijnen. A consultation can take place in our beautiful clinic, but an online consultation is also possible.

2How does hair transplantation work?
Grafts are removed one by one from your own donor area under local anaesthesia and implanted in the new location. This technique is used all over the world.
3What is a graft?
This is hair with surrounding tissue harvested from the donor area and implanted in a new place. A graft can contain 1-4 hairs. The tissue contains the properties of the type of hair from the donor area, these properties are retained after transplantation. This means that the implanted hairs are not sensitive to the hormones that cause hair loss.
4What is a donor area?
The area on your hairy scalp where no future hair loss is expected, generally the area on the back of your head and above your ears. This is often referred to as the wreath. The hairs growing in this wreath are not sensitive to the hormones that cause hair loss and are therefore suitable for transplantation.
5What is the recipient area?
This is the area where the grafts are placed. Its shape, size and density are determined together with you on the day itself. This has already been discussed in detail during the consultation, so you know where you stand beforehand.
6What makes Hair & Skin Institute unique?

We listen to your wishes and include your age, future hair loss and wishes regarding your hairstyle in a personal treatment advice. A custom made technique is what makes us unique. We can do this because we bring the experience of thousands of consultations and treatments. Best of all, you benefit from this without paying extra!

In addition, you will enjoy above-average recovery because our method is so gentle on your skin and hair that your hair will not fall out before it grows.

7Why not the same method for everyone?

Because all people are different, there is no single approach that is best for everyone. By choosing an appropriate needle to harvest the grafts, we achieve the best results and preserve your donor area to the maximum.

8How long does a treatment take?

We start at 07:30 to talk through the treatment day. We take photos for your medical records, prepare your donor area and then a (as good as) painless anaesthetic follows. In the morning, the grafts are being harvested and the holes are made in the recipient area. After this, you can enjoy a delicious lunch. When all grafts have been carefully implanted in the afternoon, we will go through the aftercare with you. We will provide all the items for aftercare. You can drive home independently.

9Do you also do hair-sparing treatments?

This is certainly possible. This means that not the entire hair is shaved short. Importantly, this method of transplantation must never compromise the quality of the final result. You will receive more information about this during your consultation.

10Is a hair transplantation a one-off treatment?

If your donor area produces enough grafts in one treatment to achieve the desired result, one treatment is enough. If your hair loss continues, a follow-up treatment is still possible. With advanced hair loss, you may already be advised during the consultation to restore your hair in several steps. We make sure that each individual treatment leads to a natural improvement, so the choice for a follow-up is entirely up to you.

11Are results guaranteed?

We guarantee the growth of the placed grafts. We offer several telephone checks in the meantime and after 10 months you will receive an invitation for the end evaluation. Through photo’s we will discuss the result with you.

12Can transplanted hairs fall out later?

The transplanted hairs behave the same as where they were harvested and this remains the case. Further thinning may be experienced, but is caused by the often progressive process of hair loss of the remaining hairs, not by the transplanted one.

Questions on preparation and aftercare

1What do I need to consider beforehand?

We ask you not to consume alcohol or vitamin E-containing supplements from one week before the treatment. You will receive further details during the consultation.

2What should I watch out for after treatment?

Especially important is to not touch the recipient area for the first few days after treatment. You are not sick from the treatment, but allow yourself a few days' rest, this will encourages a smooth recovery. Furthermore, you will be given all instructions in detail beforehand.

3Is treatment painful?

Both the donor area and the recipient area are numbed locally. As a result, you will not feel anything from the treatment. The day is often experienced as long, but fortunately the reactions at the end are always positive. There is plenty of time for breaks during the day.

4Can I bring a partner/carer?

As you are allowed to drive yourself, it is not necessary, but your partner or companion is most welcome. Each treatment room has a well-equipped area where the day can be spent relaxing, and a look inside the treatment room is of course allowed. The relaxation room is equipped in such a way that it can be used well as a workplace.

5How quickly will I recover?

This obviously varies from person to person, but generally the donor area has recovered after 3 days and the scabs in the recipient area are gone after 7-10 days. You will not be sick from the treatment, but as a lot has happened in your scalp anyway, we advice to take a few days' rest. A great opportunity to relax on the couch and read a book. In the meantime, let those hairs grow.

6When can I resume sports?

After 1 week, you may exercise at a low intensity. It is important that you do not yet play contact sports or any physical activity that causes a red face, such as upper-body strength training. After 2 weeks, you may resume all sports.

7Will I get swelling?

If the recipient area involves your hairline, there is a risk of swelling. If you follow our instructions carefully the first few days, swelling can be avoided.

8When can I go to the hairdresser/ dye my hair again?

From 2 weeks, you may return to the hairdresser for a haircut. From 6 weeks after treatment, you may dye your entire head of hair again. If you regularly dye your hair, we recommend that you do this about 2 days before the treatment.

9When can I wash my hair again?

Your hair may get wet again from the third day after treatment. On day 5 after treatment, you may wash your hair with shampoo again. If you continue to wash your scalp frequently, the scabs generally become smaller and smaller and then arec ompletely gone after a maximum of 10 days.

10Are there check-ups after the treatment?

Absolutely, we contact you regularly to hear how your recovery is going and if there is anything else we can do for you. Furthermore, we are always available to our treated clients. After 10 months, we are happy to go over the final results with you.

General questions

1Can you tell that I have had a hair transplant?

The result we create is so natural that only you or the people who know about the treatment will notice it. Someone who does not know you will not see that you have had a hair transplant.

2Is a hair transplant easy to perform?

The principle of a hair transplant is quite simple. It is a safe procedure with little risk. However, the experience, skills and knowledge of the person performing it is essential for the quality of the result, the preservation of your donor area and the long-term consequences. That last one is often forgotten by the younger age group.

3Can you place hair in a scar?

Absolutely, this is where experience and skills come together. We can proudly say that we can grow hair in all types of scars. This is why burn centres and medical specialists refer young and old to us.

4Can you transplant facial hair?

We do this with great precision in the right direction in the places where you want hair. We can recreate eyebrows, beard, moustache and sideburns perfectly.

5What if my hair continues to fall out?

This is a common problem faced by (especially young) people. Preserving the donor area is essential and this is something we pay a lot of attention to. Therefore, the first conversation is important to properly assess the risks of this and discuss it.

6What if my hair is not suitable for transplantation?

During the consultation, this will be explained to you so that you know why and what you can possibly do to improve your hair in another way.

7How much does treatment cost?

Due to the labour-intensive nature of the treatment, hair transplantation is generally considered as expensive. Thanks to our experience, efficient working methods and Dr Kristel van Herwijnen's participation in all aspects of the treatment, we can offer you an extremely good price-quality ratio. Take a look at our price list.

8Do you have any other locations besides Maastricht?

No, we consciously choose to bundle all knowledge, skills and experience in one location. It may be a bit of a drive for you, but this minor inconvenience is more than compensated by excellent treatment in a beautiful and peaceful surrounding. Combine your visit to us with a visit to the beautiful Maastricht and spend the night in one of the luxury hotels nearby.